Cost for Filing Form 2290


e-File your form 2290 faster, for less

Single Vehicle

2 - 4 Vehicles

5 - 10 Vehicles

More Than 10 Vehicles

Form 2290 Amendments

e-File Form 8849


e-Filing 2290 forms has
never been easier

When you choose to file form 2290 electronically with eForm 2290, you know you’re getting the most competitive prices for your 2290 form pay online, coupled with great service. Our system makes filing your taxes as easy as it can be, thus minimizing the mistakes you may make and overall making your life easier. If you want to learn more on how to e file 2290, and how you would go about form 2290 pay online, contact us today through our contact form!

Ways to pay your HVUT tax


Electronic Federal Tax
Payment System


Electronic Funds


Payment by
Credit/Debit Card


Payment by Check/
Money order

eFile form 2290

Why should you
e-File 2290 online?

There are many benefits when you choose to file form 2290 electronically as opposed to doing it through the mail. It not only saves everyone money in the long run, but when you efile form 2290, it is also simplistic and minimizes mistakes. The IRS itself has reported that paper tax forms have a 20% chance of containing an error, versus the 1% chance you get when opting for e filing 2290.

The forms are also processed much faster if you choose to file 2290 forms online. An e file 2290 is received much quicker by the IRS, you can choose to have your 2290 form pay online, and you can also get a confirmation when the forms have been received and have been processed. The ease of mind you’ll get from having immediate confirmation that everything went through is worth it in itself!

Benefits of form 2290
pay online

Another great benefit of choosing to efile form 2290 is that the payment process itself is even easier than before. You have more flexibility on when you actually pay them, as it can all be processed much faster than a written check. Getting the opportunity to use a form 2290 electronic filing company such as eForm 2290 helps to make everything clear and concise, so you can be sure you will get the proper refund on time.

Our team of form 2290 electronic filing experts are here to help you. If you’re interested in learning more about the 2290 form cost, and how to e file 2290 online, we are here to help. Contact us today through our online form, and we look forward to helping you soon!

Terms & conditions apply

  • You will be billed only after the return has been transmitted to the IRS.
  • You cannot get a refund after the IRS issues the stamped Schedule 1
  • You can retransmit the return with corrections at no additional cost.

Frequently asked questions around Pricing

What is the cost of e-filing IRS Form 2290 for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT)?


Filing IRS Form 2290 at eForm2290 starts at $54.99*. However, for detailed pricing please refer to eForm2290’s pricing page.

Is the cost of filing Form 2290 the same for each truck?


The cost of filing Form 2290 is not the same for each truck. The filing fee is generally based on the taxable gross weight of each individual truck. Heavier trucks with higher gross weights typically have higher filing fees. Additionally, there are other factors that can influence the total cost, such as the first used month of the vehicle. It's important to calculate the specific filing fee for each truck based on its individual characteristics.

What is included in the highway tax cost associated with Form 2290?


The highway tax cost associated with Form 2290 includes the Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) imposed on vehicles with a taxable gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more. It's important to note that the highway tax cost is not a fixed amount for all vehicles but varies depending on factors such as the taxable gross weight and first used month of each individual truck.

Are there any additional fees or hidden costs when filing Form 2290?


No. While you are filing your IRS Form 2290 with eForm2290, there are no hidden charges or hidden fees. What you see is what you pay.

How is the cost of Form 2290 calculated for trucks with varying gross weights?


The cost of Form 2290 for trucks with varying gross weights is calculated individually based on each truck's taxable gross weight and the first used month. Tax rates increase with higher weights, and the first used month affects the annual tax amount. Calculate using IRS tables or a 2290 tax calculator for precise figures for each truck.

Can I find out the cost of filing Form 2290 before starting the e-filing process?


Yes, you can use our Tax Calculator to calculate your cost for filing IRS Form 2290. This tool allows you to estimate your highway use tax before initiating the e-filing process, providing valuable insights into your potential tax liability.

Is there a filing fee associated with Form 2290, and how much is it?


Yes, there is a filing fee associated with Form 2290 when using eForm2290. For specific details regarding the fee, please refer to the eForm2290 platform or contact their customer support.

Does the cost of filing Form 2290 include the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax, or are they separate fees?


The cost of filing Form 2290 includes the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT). There is an additional service fee associated with the filing process, especially when using eForm2290.

Are there any discounts or promotions available to reduce the cost of filing Form 2290?


YES, there are discounts available for filing Form 2290, and they are offered periodically. To stay informed about these discounts and promotions, following us on our social media handles is a great way to ensure that you won't miss any updates on special offers.